Choosing an Endometriosis Surgeon
Tips for what to look for and questions to ask when choosing your surgeon for endometriosis excision surgery.
Soy and Endometriosis: Should You Eliminate it From Your Diet?
If you’ve been diagnosed with endometriosis, you might have heard conflicting advice about soy. Many women with endometriosis avoid soy-based products, believing that the plant-based estrogen (phytoestrogens) found in soy can make their symptoms worse. But what does the research actually say about the relationship between soy and endometriosis?
Managing Constipation and Gas Pain with Endometriosis
Learn about the connection between gas pain and constipation with endometriosis. Get practical tips for improving constipation with endometriosis.
Berberine: A Potential Ally in Endometriosis Management?
Learn about berberine and how it may benefit endometriosis symptom management.
Diet for Endometriosis: Can Diet Cure or Improve Endo Symptoms?
Find out about the optimal diet for endometriosis and if endometriosis can be cured with diet.
Nutrition for Endometriosis: Understanding the Power of Omega-3 Fats
Learn how Omega 3 fats can help alleviate endometriosis pain and how you can incorporate more into your diet.
How to Improve Interstitial Cystitis Symptoms
How to Improve Interstitial Cystitis Symptoms